How To Work Out Fabric Weights

Finding out exact fabric weights can be a little tricky at times and it doesn’t help matters when one company may use a slightly different method than another. We need to know the weight of the fabric before working with it, therefore you can get a better idea of what you can do with it. Knowing the weight is even more important when buying fabric online when you can physically feel the fabric.

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Understanding Fabric Weight in Order to Choose the Right Fabric

dark colours neoprene fabric

Fabric weight is the outcome of how a fabric has been woven, its finish and sometimes the fibre type. Looking at the weight can help you to decide if it will be the most suitable fabric for its end use.

GSM and OZ

GSM is a metric measurement meaning grams per square metre- it is how much 1 square metre of fabric weighs and the higher the GSM number the denser the fabric will be. Ounce per square yard (oz/sq2) is the imperial measurement which is also commonly used. A lightweight fabric is typically between 30- 150 GSM, medium weight 150-350 GSM and heavyweight 350+ GSM, such as our clear window PVC (640 GSM), although this can vary depending on the type of fabric. Continue reading “Understanding Fabric Weight in Order to Choose the Right Fabric”

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